Do you feel gypped? Remember all the wonder that surround the 21st century when we were kids? We used to talk about “the year 2000” like it was going to coming of rise of robots and our lives were suddenly going to be more Jetson-esque. Actual 80’s Babies like me and my team can recall the days of high colored sneakers and slim denim. Instead of getting something new that shit just came back around like a boomerang.
The 1980’s vibe in the air doesn’t seem to showing signs of fading just yet so rather than complain, get with the program! REEBOK has embraced the nostalgia and the brand’s 09 looks are a revamp of 80’s styles with new millennium –dare I utter it-- SWAGGER (sigh). The 80’s babies/ 90’s kids were called Generation X, do kids these days have inherited the title Generation Y and they seem to love this fresh “new” (I use the term loosely) 80’s kick we’re on. That’s cool, they are probably responsible for its prevalence. Thanks.
Have a quick peek-a-boo at what Reebok will be doing this year
Go here to see the Reebok Pop-Up>>>
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